We are a community of data enthusiasts who aim to share our knowledge and experience in the field of database systems and related technologies.
Officially established in 2013 as the Polish SQL Server User Group, our organization takes pride in hosting numerous meetings and several conferences under the SQLDay brand. Over the years, these events have gained increasing interest and recognition within the database community.
Initially, our focus was primarily on Microsoft database technologies. However, with the development of SQL Server and other related technologies, we decided to broaden the scope of topics covered at our meetings and conferences. This led to the renaming of our association to Data Community Poland in 2018. Currently, we operate in several major cities across Poland, organizing meetings of local groups, annually preparing SQLDay conferences, and since 2017, conferences under the SQLSaturday banner.
In addition to being a passionate group, DCPL is also an organised group of people that operates according to certain principles and pursues certain set goals. The links below will take you to pages that are intended to help you understand the nature of the group and its members.
DCPL jest stowarzyszeniem non-profit otwartym dla wszystkich chętnych uczestników spotkań i inicjatyw. Zakłada się roczną składkę członkowską na poczet kosztów statutowych działań stowarzyszenia.
Pełną treść statutu Stowarzyszenia możesz pobrać tutaj
Cele stowarzyszenia:
Środki komunikacji i wymiany informacji w grupie:
Udział członków w stowarzyszeniu odbywa się poprzez:
pl. Solny 15
50-062 WROCŁAW
KRS: 0000471639
NIP: 8971791770
REGON: 022207474
Komisja Rewizyjna
32 1140 2017 0000 4502 1291 5671