Wraz z początkiem nowego roku zapraszamy Was na noworoczne spotkanie, które odbędzie się 05.01.2022 o godzinie 18.00 w czasie którego Michał Bochenek opowie nam o tworzeniu rozwiązań ML z wykorzystaniem SQL.
18:00 – 18:10 – wprowadzenie
18:10 – 19:10 – Michał Bochenek – “ML with SQL? Why not!”
➡️Rejestracja — wydarzenie darmowe, bardzo prosimy jednak o rejestrację pod adresem: https://www.meetup.com/pl-PL/PLSSUG/events/282712500/
➡️Link do spotkania – (pojawia się po zapisaniu na wydarzenie)
Machine Learning is something that attracts many people already within IT business, but also those who want to take on a new professional path by joining IT. At the same time, needless to say, SQL is one of those tools that is used and appreciated by almost everyone working with data on a daily basis. So, why not combine familiar SQL with attractive ML? With BigQuery ML and its portfolio of supported algorithms it is possible and as easy as creating no more than 3 queries. The presentation shows a bit of ML theoretical basics, where they could be found and how to approach them in BigQuery ML implementation.