59. Spotkanie we Wrocławiu

2016-01-24 Roman Czarko-Wasiutycz Networking, Wrocław

Zapraszam serdecznie na kolejne spotkanie poświęcone tematyce SQL Server.


17:45 – 18:00 | Zbiórka na III piętrze Altkom Akademii
18:00 – 18:10 | Co tam Panie i Panowie w okolicy?
18:10 – 19:10 | “Handling Relationships in DAX” (Alberto Ferrari)
19:10 – 19:30 | Networking
19:30 – 20:30 | “Extended events – DBA’s Swiss Army Knife” (Łukasz Kastelik)

Opisy sesji:
Handling Relationships in DAX (sesja online w języku angielskim)

The Tabular model in Power Pivot for Excel, Power BI and SSAS Tabular seems to offer only plain-vanilla one-to-many relationships, based on a single column. In 2015 there was the introduction of many-to-many relationships, yet the model seems somewhat poor when compared with SSAS Multidimensional. In reality, by leveraging the DAX language, you can handle virtually any kind of relationship, no matter how complex they are. In this session we will analyze and solve several scenarios with calculated relationships, virtual relationships, complex many-to-many. The goal of the session is to show how to solve complex scenarios with the aid of the DAX language to build unconventional data models.
Extended events – DBA’s Swiss Army Knife
1. Co to są extended eventy, do czego można je wykorzystać?
2. Praktyczne przykłady użycia – demo
Bio prelegentów:
Alberto Ferrari

Alberto is a Business Intelligence consultant. His main interests reside in two areas: a methodological approach to the BI development lifecycle, and performance tuning of ETL and SQL code. His activities are related to designing and implementing solutions based on Integration Services and Analysis Services for the financial, manufacturing, and statistical areas. He is also an author and a speaker in international conferences such as TechEd, PASS Summit, SQLRally, and SQLBits. Alberto is certified as an SSAS Maestro.
Łukasz Kastelik 

Administrator i programista baz danych SQL Server
Certyfikaty: MCP, MCSA SQL Server


Do zobaczenia na miejscu :)

DARMOWA REJESTRACJA: http://www.meetup.com/PLSSUG/events/228182202/
KIEDY: 28.01.2016 od 17:45
GDZIE: Altkom Akademia we Wrocławiu – Pl. J.Bema 2 (wejście C, pietro 3)