100. spotkanie Data Community Krakow

2019-12-13 Michał Sadowski Kraków

For English scroll down
Zapraszamy na okrągłe setne spotkanie krakowskiej grupy Data Community. Tym razem mamy dla Was kilka niespodzianek.
Specjalnie dla naszej grupy będziemy mieli zaszczyt gościć Charley Hanania, eksperta bazodanowego, długoletniego MCT, MVP Data Platform oraz MCT Regional co-Lead dla Szwajcarii oraz PASS Regional Mentor dla Europy Zachodniej i Wschodniej.

UWAGA! Sesje będą w języku angielskim

18 grudnia (środa) godz. 17:30

17:30 – 17:40 Rozpoczęcie spotkania, sprawy organizacyjne
17:40 – 18:40 Introducing Azure Synapse Analytics – Charley Hanania
18:40 – 19:00 Networking
19:00 – 20:00 Machine Learning Services for SQL Server On Premises – Why and How – Charley Hanania
20:00 – 20:05 Zakończenie spotkania

Darmowa rejestracja na spotkanie dostępna jest na stronie MeetUp:

Invitation for rounded (100th!) meeting of the Krakow Data Community group. This time we have some surprises for you.

Exclusively for our group, we will have the honour to host Charley Hanania, a database expert, long-time MCT, MVP Data Platform and MCT Regional co-Lead for Switzerland and PASS Regional Mentor for Western and Eastern Europe.
Note: Both sessions will be conducted in English

18th of December (Wednesday) – 17:30

17:30 – 17:40 Arrival and organizational matters
17:40 – 18:40 Introducing Azure Synapse Analytics – Charley Hanania
18:40 – 19:00 Networking
19:00 – 20:00 Machine Learning Services for SQL Server On Premises – Why and How – Charley Hanania
20:00 – 20:05 Closing

Introducing Azure Synapse Analytics – Last Month, Microsoft announced a re-envisioned Analytics platform in Azure to take organisations into the next era of the Modern Data Warehouse.
Synapse Analytics accelerates the time-to-insight for your organization with a fully integrated platform built to ingest, prep, manage, and serve data for all your BI and AI needs.
Join me to get an overview about Azure Synapse Analytics, which is expected to bring the power of both relational and big data systems and analytical reporting into a single workspace.

Machine Learning Services for SQL Server On Premises – Why and How
Learn how to install and configure SQL Server Machine Learning Services for SQL Server, including supporting objects for Management and Stability.
SQL Server comes with support for languages and constructs used for Machine Learning. Now it’s viable to run predictive code segments for things such as forecasting, categorisation and anomaly detection in line with your T-SQL Coding objects.
In this session, Charley walks through why this is important to DBA’s and Developers, as well as how it’s installed, configured and works under the hood.

Charley Hanania – An expert on the data platform, Charley Hanania was involved in establishing heterogeneous database communities in Australia since the mid 1990’s.
Charley is a long standing MCT, MVP and Data Platform Expert. He runs a data-focussed consultancy where he and his team offer Best of Breed specialist and remote DBA services to organisations in various industries around the world.
Charley loves community and is involved in organising and speaking at many Data Platform and MCT communities around the world. He is the MCT Regional co-Lead for Switzerland and a PASS Regional Mentor for Western and Eastern Europe.

Free registration for the event is available on MeetUp webpage: https://www.meetup.com/Data-Community-Krakow/events/267136702/